
poniedziałek, 7 lutego 2022

Our opinion - Should we update the language of classic books?

by Paulina 3aTL

 I will present the advantages and disadvantages of reducing classical literary works using modern language. 

 I think that reducing the works can greatly facilitate the understanding of younger youth, when we live in different times it is difficult for them to switch to a language from another era.  What the author meant exactly is not always known.  

The first advantage, I think, is that the more reading or a novel is understood, the easier it will be to write works on that topic and it will be more eye-friendly.  The downside is that the author's work will be changed and let's face it, nobody wants our hard work to be changed.  Some novels should stay as they are because its charm will disappear and it won't be the same anymore.  

Another advantage, I believe, should be that thanks to the change to a modern language, it will be easier to produce films or other such productions due to easier interpretation.  But the disadvantage is that people will forget about original works and their beautiful language, only a few will return to it.  

Summing up my statement, I am against changing literature into a modern language, thanks to it we learn to interpret better and I think it is beautiful.

by Mateusz M. 3aTL

Nowadays, people going dumb with computers and telephones. We hear more and more about addiction to the screen. Should we rewrite classic literary works? I will present my arguments for and against below. 

     The first argument will be that young people practically do not read ordinary books anymore, prefer to read messages on Facebook. Based on the example of their class, perhaps 10 out of 30 students will read school reading. 

     However, do they need to be re-edited? People often also listen to audiobooks during some tasks. It is a combination of business and pleasure. While cleaning, for example, we can listen to our favorite book. On the example of my mother, often when cleaning the kitchen, living room or other parts of the house, she plays in the background her favorite book, the ,Lalka’ Bolesław Prus. 

     The next plus point will be the vanishing culture. Soon the children will not know who wrote the book or whether the given book exists at all. Perhaps such re-editing of the books will restore their reason and will to live. People lose their will to live because of their cells, they take offense, they hate. 

      In my opinion, classic books should return to the market in a new version for children and teenagers, because they could teach and have fun just like our parents used to be.

by Nikola 3aTL

  Books are a great way to go back in time and see what it used to be. Literature allows you to stop in time and teaches young people how life changes in epochs. ancient literary works not only give a picture of history, but are also written in the language of those years. some believe that classic literary works need to be rewritten in modern language for readers to understand their content well. Should the language in the literature of old works be modernized? let's look at the pros and cons of this situation.

       The most important advantage of the old spelling is that when reading a given book, in addition to the picture of the world and culture, we have an idea of what words people used then. I know from my autopsy that reading old literature broadened my imagination, because reading it felt like I was living in those days. Another advantage of the old spelling is that we enrich our knowledge with new words and we train the brain .For example, a person who starts by reading old spelling books will certainly be better at reading other, more modern books.
Another advantage is that we learn the old language and do not limit ourselves to the one we use, thanks to which we expand our vocabulary and it is easier to talk to the elderly. when we understand how to use old words, talking to our grandparents becomes easier. defenders of old vocabulary and traditionalism believe that the work should not be changed, then it loses its authenticity, is a copy of the original and loses the value and depth of the original text.

        On the other hand, old spelling also causes a lot of problems, for example slower reading times. If we have to translate a word we don't understand, we are wasting our time. An important aspect is also that when there are too many unfamiliar old words in the content, what we read becomes unclear to us. opponents of the old vocabulary in literature claim that words incomprehensible to the reader distract from the content of the book itself. This happens when the reader translates incomprehensible words and therefore does not focus sufficiently on the main thread of the text.

          Summing up,the old literature and its vocabulary have many advantages and disadvantages. Nevertheless, I believe that when the world moves forward, it is worth leaving at least words that were once used. The old vocabulary has many disadvantages,however I strongly believe that its advantages are more favorable than bad.

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