
piątek, 11 lutego 2022

Our opinion about: Losing weight

 People who believe that to lose weight you need to exercise a lot, there is simply an important contribution and willingness to training. However, more important than the regularity of the exercises is their duration.

It can be even one or two workouts a week, as long as they last a total of at least 150 minutes. Not all of us have enough time to combine school work and school education. For some people, when someone has a thin stomach, it means that he exercises a lot and this is combined with the fact that even daily exercises are needed, but half of them should be strength training. 

In my opinion, when someone wants to be more attractive to himself, he starts going to the gym, but you have to approach it wisely, not everyone has a well-trained body at the very beginning to start with the gym well, you can not exceed 2 to 3 times a week because with this they can injuries can be combined, and none of us want this if we are just starting to train with a load, and when we get our body used to exercise, it can be up to 4 times a week.

 But not everyone has to start with the gym, for every person there is simply a body movement, for example, walking, swimming, running, any form of movement is appropriate. But if we want to start something, we cannot give it up because then we will lose our own time, you have to get to something and work on your body to just feel good in your body.

If we want to feel good, it depends only on us whether we want to work or not, you can achieve a lot, just like with training, the more demanding the better. Oliwia Kozłowska 3 TUF

Do you have to exercise a lot to lose weight?

It is worth knowing that exercising is not only enough to lose a little kilos, we need different proteins and a complex diet by an expert or ourselves.

In my opinion, to lose weight, it is enough to follow a proper diet, eat less.
You need to eat a lot of vegetables and fruits and provide the body with many good ingredients. To lose weight, of course, it is worth running, signing up for the gym. Running can be diversified with an applewatch which shows us how much we run and how much we burned. Drinking plenty of water keeps us healthy.

To top it off, overweight people should take care of themselves, gyms are now very popular and many diets that are shared by famous people you only need to want and focus on your goal.

Mateusz Pydych 

by Julia J 3TUF

People say that you need to exercise a lot to lose weight. But is it just enough to lose a few kilos? Probably not. You also need a proper diet to lose weight. People are wrong that only exercise will help us lose weight. In order for the body to build muscle, it needs nutrients, especially high-protein ones. To lose weight, you need to go to a dietitian who will carefully analyze our eating habits and choose an appropriate diet for it. You also need to pay a lot of attention to physical activity, which is also needed to lose weight. It should also choose the right amount of traffic to suit your abilities. It is important to start with as little exercise as possible and then add more to yourself. To lose weight you need to exercise a lot, but you should not forget about proper nutrition. 

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