
piątek, 11 lutego 2022

Our opinion about: Film adaptations of Classic books

 Many people believe that film adaptations of classic literary items can never match the books on which they are based. Through several arguments, I would like to present that film adaptations can never match books and cannot replace them.  


The first argument is that it takes us less time to watch a movie adaptation than to read the whole book. This is good for people who are busy and don't have enough time to read a book but prefer to watch a movie.  


Secondly, the film adaptation is easier to understand than the book, because the wording is simpler and we can remember all the scenes better through the image we see.  


The argument against is that reading books develops. We stimulate our imagination, learn difficult words and spelling. However, this cannot be said about films.  


Another thing is that reading we know a lot of important details, which are usually omitted in film adaptation, because the director wants to fit in time. Because of that we don't know half of the book and we don't know how it really was.  


The last argument is that the books are great. Maybe they take a long time to read, and watching a movie saves a lot of time. But nothing gives more pleasure than finishing a book. There are so many emotions in it. Each character has different experiences and we can get to know them. Reading, we get deeper into the matchmaking, presented in the reading.  


I think that film adaptation will never equal and replace the book, because reading teaches us, develops, we know how the plot really goes. While reading we experience various emotions, and books can very often move us.      Daniel Ślusarczyk 3ATL

by Patryk U. 3aTL

Many people believe that film adaptations of classic literary works never fit the books they were created from. Some are good because of the similarity and exact representation of the book, while others are only based on the facts contained in the stories, and the details are already the director's idea.

 For some, watching the adaptation is not the same as they prefer to read the book calmly, reading meticulous descriptions of the place and action. For the majority of schoolchildren, a film adaptation is a rescue from reading, according to them, a boring, monotonous and, above all, long book. 

The first argument supporting the creations people who do not have great imaginations cannot imagine what it really looked like when reading books the film seems to be reproduced from the novel ,but still has something that we cannot find in the book

The second argument can do harm adaptation is the simplest form to write a script. In fact, it remains to read the book and write a few dialogues on the basis of it and build scenery corresponding to the original.

Summarizing the topic, I find the adaptations interesting and perhaps interesting for some readers as a comparison to the original story. 

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