
poniedziałek, 24 stycznia 2022

About us... and our interests

by Zuzia Baka 1BOS

 Let's start with the fact that I love animals, especially dogs are my favorites.  however, today I went to the zoo with my best friend, she also likes animals very much and we spent the afternoon together. 

We arrived just as they were letting a new panda into the herd.  other pandas who were already there early were very curious about their new friend in their pack, they accepted her very gently into the pack.  then we watched the rest of the animals in the zoo.  there weren't many people, so we walked around the area. 

The animals you could see that they were cared for and well-groomed, which was clearly visible.  then went with my friend for chocolate and vanilla ice cream which was very delicious.  I had a great day today. I hope there will be more in my life.

by Łukasz C. 3TUF:

Welcome to my blog again, today I will tell you about the organization of the WOŚP (Great Orchestra of Christmas Charity). I will explain what the Great Orchestra of Christmas Charity is, what it is about and about the pros and cons of this organization.
It is an organization founded in 1993 in Poland by 7 people, but the most famous is Jerzy Owsiak. The WOŚP consists in collecting money through collections on the streets of all cities in Poland, auctions of various things and by donations from sponsors to this organization. The collected total amount is used to purchase equipment for Polish hospitals that is most needed at the moment. They also run eight medical programs. The advantages of this organization are the equipment they buy and helping others, but in my opinion, the disadvantages are that each zloty is taken from the owners of one penny and that from year to year they play more and more to the public, but this is only my personal opinion.
As you can see, the organization of the Great Orchestra of Christmas Charity is an important organization in Poland, it connects people very often and, most importantly, helps others. Thanks for reading this blog post and see you soon.

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