
piątek, 12 listopada 2021

Phones in Classroom

Many times there is a heated discussion between students and teachers about using phones during lessons. Some students seem to be obsessed with constant scrolling of their social media, replying to messages or even just holding their phones.

It is a well known fact, that schools do not allow students to use their phones during classes, unless there is an online exercise to do. It is easy for students to cheat off their phones, use an online dictionary or just disctract themselves with some online game.

But what do students think about that? We asked some and here are their opinions:

by Dawid Leśkiewicz 3aTL

In my opinion, we shouldn't use the phone during the lesson because we cannot concentrate on the lesson then and it is very bad for our eyesight. 

Some people think that we should use the phone in class because it could be difficult for students to focus. Another argument is that it would be an opportunity to catch up with friends and family. But at what cost?

 I think we should not use the phone in class, because we will lose valuable information about this lesson and distract ourself from the lesson.

by Bartosz Świercz 3aTL:

I think that using phones in classsroom distracts students. They cannot focus on what the lesson is about. Using phones in classroom is not good for students.

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