
czwartek, 28 października 2021

Etwinning projects

 Our school is a partner of many European projects via eTwinning.

One of the projects is for the students of vocational and technological schools' students. It is called: "My Job, my Skills, my Future"

Utworzony za pomocą aplikacji Padlet

Ten students works in international teams with students from Portugal, France, Italy, and Poland. They talk about their proffessional development, internships, apprenticeships and being an adult.

So far they created logos of the project, they made their introductions and they created a power point presentation about their jobs.

Soon they are going to participate in a video conference where they will discuss safety at work.

Here are eamples of their work:

The teacher responsible for the project - Mrs Lidia Fedio - was awarded with National and European Quality Label for her previous project.

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