
czwartek, 30 września 2021

Friendships or Relationships

 What's the difference between reltionship and friendship?

According to Macmillan dictionary: 


the way in which two or more people or things are connected with or involve each other

between: There is a close relationship between poverty and crime.


a relationship between people who are friends

In our classroom today we asked students if they agree that friendship between men and women can exist or is it impossible? Does it always change into relationship ?

Here is what some of them think:

I agree with the opinion, that men and women relationships are different. Men would prefer to spend time not just by talking, but by doing things like watching sports, going to the gym or driving a car. Women, on the other hand may find it better to go shopping, gossiping or just talk to each other about their current problems. But what's more important, why things went like that? The answer isn't too complicated. Over the centuries men were the ones, who had to go to a war, take care of the whole family and find a job. Because of that, women had to look after children or do household chores. Luckily, in the XXI century the education is worldwide available for men and women, not mentioning about the Internet. I hope the situation will continue to change in the next years, so men and women won't find any difficulties to talk to each other.

by Patrik 3aTL

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