
czwartek, 26 listopada 2020

First stage of 10 to 1 competition + bonus test

 Today at our school the 1st stage of 10 to 1 competition took place.

They best scores of 10 people who will participate in the big finale are:

1. Nikola Ptak (93% ! the winner)

2. Szymon Chwazik

3. Jan Nowaczyński

4. Zuzanna Madejska

5. Jakub Sajewicz

6. Jakub Żakowiecki

7. Maja Stróżewska

8. Mikołaj Babula

9. Franciszek Michallek

10. Łucja Korszańska

Congratulations to all the participants.

A reminder that here in the blog, you can learn the knowledge required for the finale. Look for the posts tagged : "10to1" CLICK HERE

This knowledge will also help you during the  kuratoryjny comptetitions - if you are interested in taking part in them, each year.

If you want to practice and check the questions from the test you can do training here-

remember each time you can come across different questions, as  there are 28 random questions.


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