
czwartek, 9 czerwca 2022

'Life is Great' Movie Review

 by Szymon Rytel 3aTL

"Life is great" is a short animated film for children about coping with the loss of a loved one, the film is about the loss of a father. At the beginning of the film, the action is directed at a girl who admires her father, comforting him while he is doing something. 

When you hit the pain it stops after a while because it focuses on the girl the film tells about the loss of a father, the memories of a girl and the problems of a girl's mother who cannot cope with the loss of her husband.

 The film shows that the family is the most important thing on earth and that I care about singing. The claim that we can solve our everyday problems with more knowledge is not entirely correct. life is wonderful shows us that we should not ignore the new generation and consult it in all kinds of investigations. whenever life crushes us, 

We should look at the children. their perspective shows us that life is wonderful because they accept life as it is, which adults often forget. knowledge often takes us to abstractions and children bring us back to life. Pragmatism is a new trend. In a later scene, the father disappears, and a tearful mother appears with the same girl, who tries to console her for the loss of her husband. 

After a while, the woman begins to understand that she still has a loving child who is part of her husband, and the crying stops. the movie is very fun for kids and a lot to understand.

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