
wtorek, 18 maja 2021

Europe Day - competiton, videoconference, activities.

 Every year on May 9th we celebrate Europe Day.

In our school we had a few activities connected to this day. Firstly, there was a competition for the best journey across Europe.

The first place went to Konstanty Chmielewski from 7C for his idea of a board game called Europoly.

Another winner was Kornelia Zielińska who took us for a virtual journey to Spain:

click here to see:


Aleksandra Sinkiewicz (5B) showed us the wonders of Greece in her poster and Nikodem Romejko took us to Croatia. 

Class 4C worked in virtual groups via Teams. On May,10th they presented their presentations about Italy, France, Germany, Portugal and Spain. 

Here are some picures of the slides they have presented.

Class 4B connected via Teams with their partners of eTwinning project, in a videoconference devoted to celebration of the Day of Europe.

We met online on May 11th to celebrate the Day of Europe via Teams.

Firstly, each country presented their city. Then, students listened to the Ode to Joy by Beethoven. It was a very interesting experience.  Finally, the students could ask each other questions and answer.

We recorded the whole meeting.

Here you can watch our presentation:

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