
czwartek, 18 lutego 2021

St Valentine's Day

 Due to St Valentine's Day our school held an extraordinary competition. We asked students to record a reading of a love poem of their choice.

Here are results. Enjoy!


The winners are :
1st place  - Michalina
2nd place - Iga
IIIrd place- Amelia
Honorary mention - Anna and Julia

Video by Amelia:

Video by  Iga:

Poems chosen by students to recite:


or click here to listen:

Anna i Julia:

"From my heart"

A milion stars up in the sky.
One shines brighter-I can't deny.
A love so precious, a love so true,
A love that comes from me to you.
The angles sing when you are near.
Withing your arms I have nothing to fear.
You always know just what to say.
Just talking to you makes my day.
I love you, honey, with all of my heart.
Together forever and never to part.


Love is not an exam to pass or fail, 
Love is not a competition to win or loss, 
But love is a feeling in which you care for someone more than yourself… 


I love you so deeply, 

I love you so much, 

I love the sound of your voice 

and the way that we touch. 

I love your warm smile 

and your kind, thoughtful way, 

the joy that you bring 

to my life every day. 

I love you today 

as I have from the start, 

and I'll love you forever 

with all of my heart. 



I said to you, "Oh, please be mine; 
Be mine forever, Valentine." 
I must have seemed like quite a fool, 
Although I thought I was being cool. 
I swore that we would never part, 
As I put my hand upon my heart. 
Had I been thinking with my head, 
I probably would have fled instead. 



St. Valentine' s Day 
This is good day for everyone ! 
On this day all that they profess , 
They want to love and love. 




My love by Megan Hagen 


How do I describe 
My love for you? 
How can I explain 
That this is true? 
Love is a funny thing 
We'll never understand, 
But hear this truth ring: 
I'm in love with you. 
These butterflies, 
Shy smiles, 
Late nights. 
Thoughts are constantly 
About you. 
can't tell you 
All the times 
This heart beats faster, 
Even when you're out of view. 
Always in my thoughts, 
Always in my dreams. 
A life without you would 
Tear me apart at the seams. 
It's you who keeps me up all night 
And gets me through the day. 
It seems to me that there 
Is only one thing left to say. 
I've said it already, 
But to make sure you know it's true, 
I'll say how I feel: 
I'm completely in love with you.

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