
środa, 30 września 2020

Calligram Competition

by Mrs Kamila Hazy

2020 Calligram Competition for students -  classes I-III at Jan Matejko School

The works of our students

A calligram is a phrase or word in which the typeface or calligraphy is arranged in a way that creates  a visual image. 

The Calligram Competition have been launched this year for school students from age 7 to year 10.  A students design a calligram using English words to create their artwork. In 2020 the Calligram Competition took  place in 25th of September to celebrate the European Day of Languages. The 2020 Calligram Competition has come to an end. Choosing the winners has proven the  harder task during this action. The level of artwork and skills with words have been outstanding. Well done to all students  who took part in this event and we look forward to making the 2021 edition the best one ever! 

1st  place  winner: Wiktoria Groszek  IA

2nd place winner: Lena Stankiewicz  IIA

3rd place winner:  Weronika Majchrowska  IA

Distinction award: Filip Grobelny  IC

1st place Wiktoria Groszek

2nd place Lena Stankiewicz

3rd place - Weronika Majchrowska Ia

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