
wtorek, 8 czerwca 2021

Spain -a holiday destination

 Spain is the place where I would like to live.

Spain is a big country in a southern Europe. Tourists love it, because there is a beautiful weather and a lot of interesting places. Spanish cuisine is amazing! 

When you are hungry, you can eat fruits or olives.

For dinner I recommend paella, gazpacho and seafood. Paella is my favourite.

The biggest city in Spain is Madrid, but I like Barcelona the most. If you go there, you must visit Sagrada Familia. It is one of the most original church in Europe.       

I would like to live in Spain in future.   photo:

by Amelia Stasiak 

1 komentarz:

  1. I have never been in Spain but I'm sure I will be there one day. I was in Italy and I like this country. Italy and Spain have the same cousine which is the best.
