
niedziela, 4 lutego 2018

Kulturoznastwo z konkursów kuratorium.

Each year during the official competition of English for gimnazjum, there is a section of culture questions. Please check them out!

Stąd można pobrać ostatnie arkusze testów do konkursu kuratoryjnego z j. angielskiego województwa pomorskiego.

Questions - school:

91.The United States is a presidential republic consisting of ___states and a federal district.
a)45 b)50 c)55 d)58
92.The official US anthem is “The Star- Spangled ___”
a)Flag b)Banner c)Cloth d)Ribbon

Questions - school:
91.The United States is a presidential republic consisting of ___states and a federal district.
a)45 b)50 c)55 d)58
92.The official US anthem is “The Star- Spangled ___”
a)Flag b)Banner c)Cloth d)Ribbon
93.Parliament in the UK is made up of the House of ___ and the House of Lords.
a)Representatives b)Senate c)Politicians d)Commons
94.The official house of the British Prime Minister is in ___ Street.
a)Westminster b)Stratford c)Downing d)Trafalgar
95.Tartan and haggis are connected with___
a)England b)New Zealand c)Wales d)Scotland
96.Great Britain is separated from the mainland by ___
a)Channel La Manche b)the Thames c)The Isle of Man d)the English Channel
97.Notting Hill is famous for
a)a tennis tournament b)an international carnival c)a baseball championship d)Robin Hood stories
98.The maple leaf is the national symbol of__
a)Scotland b)Canada c)The USA d)Wales
99.The Big Apple is the name for ___
a) New York b) London c)Sydney d)Washington
100.The flag of the United Kingdom is called the __
a)Stars and Stripes b) Independent c)Three Crosses d) Union Jack

91.The author of “Alice in Wonderland” was__
a)Lewis Carroll b)A.A.Milne c)Mark Twain d)Edgar A.Poe
Milne – Winnie the Pooh (kubuś puchatek)
Twain – Oliver Twist
Poe - Raven
92.Washington, the capital of the USA, is in the state of___
a)New York b)Washington c)Maryland d)District of Columbia
93.Benjamin Franklin was____
a)an American general in the Civil War c)a Scottish actor
b)an English writer of popular novels d)an American statesman, writer, inventor and scientist
94.Broadway is the name associated with__
a)theatre b)automobile industry c)a political scandal d)banking and business
Broadway is a street in New York famous for musicals.
95.Elizabeth I was the daughter of Henry VIII and____
a)Catherine of Aragon b)Catherine Parr c)Anne of Cleves d)Anne Boleyn
Image result for Elizabeth I
96.The present Queen of England represents___
a)the House of York b)the House of Tudor c)the House of Windsor d)the House of Hanover
97.The famous Trafalgar Square in London was given this name to commemorate ___
a)Admiral Nelson’s naval victory c)one of English scholars
b)a popular politician in the XXc. d)a British general
Image result for nelson trafalgar square
Nelson’s Column on Trafalgar Square
98.The Romans first arrived in Britain in___
a)55 BC b)1066 c)664 d)93 BC
BC-Before Christ, (pne)
99.Pearl Harbour is associated with___
a)the first A-bomb explosion c)a play by James Joyce
b)the VietNam war d)an attack on American naval forces
It’s a surprise military strike by the Imperial Japanese Navy Air Service against the United States naval base at Pearl Harbor, Hawaii Territory, on the morning of December 7, 1941.
100.The title of Prince of Wales is given to____
a)the monarch’s eldest son c)the Speaker of the House of Lords
b)the archbishop of Canterbury d)the Queen’s husband
Currently Prince Charles – the heir of the throne. After Elizabeth’s death he will become the king of UK.
HRH The Prince Charles, Prince of Wales


81.Which British Prime Minister was awarded with the Nobel Prize in Literature?
a)Robert Walpole b)Winston Churchill c) Anthony Eden d) Margaret Thatcher
82.Which monarch was defeated by Oliver Cromwell in the English Civil War?
a)James I b)Charles I c) Henry V d) Henry VIII
83.Half beer and half fizzy lemonade is called :
a) shandy b) ale c) elevenses d) cymru
84.Who was the last prisoner of the Tower?
a)Gordon Brown b) Princess Mary c) Rudolf Hess d) Edward Heath
85.Who was called the Swan of Avon?
a)William Shakespeare b) Emily Bronte c) Queen Victoria d) Princess Diana
86.Which of the Polish writers is considered as one of the outstanding English novelists?
a) Bruno Schulz b)Jerzy Kosiński c) Teodor Józef Konrad Korzeniowski d) Jalu Kurek
C – known as Joseph Conrad, the author of  Heart of Darkness (“Jądro Ciemności”)
87.Where is the famous museum of teddy bears situated?
a) London b) Glasgow c) Stratford – upon – Avon d) Oxford
88.What is the name of the Archbishop of Canterbury killed by the knights of Henry II?
a) Thomas Becket b)Thomas Cranmer c)George Abbot d)John Moore
89.What is Sherwood Forest famous for?
a) a beautiful lake b) a castle c) Robin Hood d) stories about Henry VIII
90.Who was Florence Nightingale?
a) a nurse b) a politician c) a writer d) an artist
91.St Andrew’s Cross is an element of the flag of ___
a)Wales b) Scotland c) Ireland d) England
Image result for at andrews cross flag
92.The date of the D-day was___
a) 11.11.1918 b)06.06.1944 c)17.09.1939 d) 8.12.1940
B – Normandy landings, initiating the Western Allied effort to liberate mainland Europe from Nazi Germany during WW II
93.Who is the current Prince of Edinburgh?
a)Prince Philip b) Prince Andrew c) Prince George d) Prince Edward
A- Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh, the husband of Queen Elizabeth II.
94.Sir Francis Drake was a British___
a)painter b) writer c)sailor d) musician
C- vice admiral was an English sea captain, privateer, navigator, slaver, and politician of the Elizabethan era.
95. The most famous road in the USA is called___
a)Route 66 b) Central Line c) the Grand National d) M1
96.The name connected with the bus boycott is ___
a) Alexander Rose b) Rosa Parks c) Austin Walker d) Owen Paterson
97.The family name of the present royal family is ___
a) Buckingham b) Tudor c) Windsor d) Warwick
98.The only time in the year that the monarch speaks to her people on TV is__
a) her birthday b) New Year’s Day c) 6 June d)Christmas Day

99.Which is the odd name out ?
a) Catharine of Aragon b) Mary Tudor c) Jane Seymour d) Catherine Howard
100. The actor appearing in “The Kid” was___
a)Charlie Chaplin b) Rowan Atkinson c) Buster Keaton d) Kirk Douglas

Questions - voivodship:

87. Geoffrey Chaucer is known for ……..
A. Hear of Darkness B. The Canterbury Tales C. Beowulf D. The Raven
88 …………… the family name of the present royal family .
A. Buckingham B. Warwick C. Tudor D. Windsor
89. What is the traditional place of coronation for British monarchs?
A. Buckingham Palace B. The Houses of Parliament C. Westminster Abbey D. St.Paul’s C athedral
90 . Which president was responsible for the Watergate Scandal?
A. R.Nixon B. J.Carter C. B. Clinton D. G.Bush
91. The man who wanted to blow up the Houses of Parliament was ……
A. John Steinbeck B. Lawrence Olivier C. Guy Fawkes D. Anthony Eden
92. “The Picture of Dorian Gray” was written by …..
A. Agatha Christie B. William Wordsworth C. George Orwell D. Oscar Wilde
93. Which state in the US is called a Golden State?
A. California B. Nevada C. Pennsylvania D. Colorado
94. Who was the American poet and writer of mysterious, horror stories such as “The Fall of the House of Ushers”?
A. Margaret Mitchell B. Mark Twain C. Edgar Allan Poe D. Henry James 8
95. What is Harrods? ……………………………
96. What does the name Big Ben properly refer to ? …………………..
97. Where does the name Big Brother originally come from ?.............
98. What is Mount Rushmore famous for ?..........................
99. When is Groundhog Day celebrated ? …………………..
100. What is the name of the American City, built in the middle of a desert, where many people go to gamble?........

86. The filmed novel “Sense and Sensibility” was written by
A. Charlotte Brontȅ B. Jane Eyre C. Jane Austen D. Lucy M. Montgomery
87. The quotation “All animals are equal but some animals are more equal than others” comes from
A. The Jungle Book B. The Origin of Species C. Animal Farm D. Slaughterhouse
88. Mary Shelly wrote the famous horror novel “Frankenstein”, which has been filmed several times. The character named Frankenstein was:
A. a scientist B. a man-like monster C. a vampire D. A German philosopher
89. Geoffrey Chaucer wrote
A. The Canterbury Tales B. The Pickwick Papers C. Lord Jim D. Ulysses
90. The Battle of Gettysburg was the turning point of the
A. American War of Independence B. American Civil War C. First World War D. Spanish-American War
91. His Royal Highness Prince Philip is :
A. Duke of Edinburgh B. Duke of Cambridge C. Duke of Wales D. Duke of Kent
92. The Notting Hill Carnival is held in :
A. London B. North Ireland C. Manchester D. Sherwood
93. Which was not Henry VIII’ s wife:
A. Jane Seymour B. Catherine Parr C. Anna Windsor D. Anne of Cleves
94. Miss Marple is the character from books written by :
A. Hugh Lofting B. Raymond Chandler C. James F. Cooper D. Agatha Christie
95. The odd name out is:
A. A Midsummer Night’s Dream B. Othello C. Twelfth Night D. As You Like It
96. The odd name out is :
A. Central Park B. Hyde Park C. St. James’ Park D. Kensington Gardens
97. What is the law- making part of the US government? …………………………
98. Give at least one example of a Polish translator of British/ American literature……………………
99. Add the missing partner : Huck Finn and …………………………….
100. A novel which tells the story of a group of boys left on an island who attempt to live together in a peaceful way but later become cruel to each other ……………………………….

Questions - Region:

86.Which was not written by W.Shakespeare?
A) The Tempest B)Macbeth C) the Giaur
87.Which famous document eventually led to the formation of Parliament in England?
A) the Declaration of Independence B) The Domesday Book C)The Magna Carta
88.The words in the song “For auld langsyne” were written by:
A) Horatio Nelson B)Dylan Thomas C) Robert Burns 7
89.A thistle is the symbol of:
A) Wales B) England C) Scotland
90.Who won the Civil War in America in the XIX century?
A) The Confederates B) The Unionists C) The Independents
91.The Mississipi River is associated with the novel :
A) The Adventures of Huck Finn B) Great Gatsby C) Martin Eden
92.Which of them was NOT a British Prime Minister?
A)Robert Walpole B) Benjamin Disraeli C) Thomas Hardy
93. The Beefeaters guard the :
A) Buckingham Palace B) Westminster Abbey C)the Tower of London
94.Santa Clara Valley is referred to by its nickname :
A) Silicon Valley B) Martha’s Vineyard C)Wounded Knee
95.The name of the person connected with the Montgomery bus boycott is :
A) Billy Graham B) Rosa Parks C) J.F.Kennedy
96.The street in New York which became synonymous with American capitalism is…………………………………………………..
97.The oldest American university is called…………………………………..
98.Nathaniel Hawthorne was .....................................
99.The first British settlers who established a settlement in Massachusetts were known as ………………….
100.The two major political parties in the USA are ……………………………………………………………………


91. Which of the following wasn’t written by Shakespeare:
a) Titus Andronicus b) Romeo and Juliet c) Hamlet d) Pygmalion
92. What is the name of the theme song performed by Adele in James Bond film from 2012:
a) Save a prayer b) Skyfall c) Casino Royale d) Born to die
93. The nickname “The Windy City” refers to:
a) Chicago b) Atlanta c) New York d) Detroit 94. Who is second in line to succeed Queen Elizabeth II: a) Prince William b) Prince Henry c) Prince Charles d) Prince George
95. New Orleans is the cradle of:
a)gospel b) country music c) classical music d)jazz
96 . The lyrics to the song “ Should auld acquaintance be forgot” was written by:
a ) Bob Dylan b) John Lennon c) William Shakespeare d) Robert Burns
97. The movement that preached a philosophy of peace and love was:
a) the Skinheads b) the Punks c) the Hippies d) the Grunge
98. Canterbury is associated with:
a)Stonehenge b) the castle c) Magna Carta Libertata d) murder and pilgrim
99. The English poet who is said to have a considerable influence on Adam Mickiewicz was
a) Blake b) Byron c) Pope d)Milton
100. The author of “The Great Gatsby” is

a) Steinbeck b) Fitzgerald c)Faulkner d) Caldwell

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