
niedziela, 4 lutego 2018

Pop culture videos! 10 to 1

So, if you are not interested in reading all of the information on this website, maybe you'd like to watch the summary of all the countries that we learn about. I have chosen for you the youtube films that I found extremely informative and fun to watch and altogether will take you around 1 hour to watch.

There is so many pop culture classics that I would like you to know about!
Here are some that you should know, and you should ENJOY :)

Kulturoznastwo z konkursów kuratorium.

Each year during the official competition of English for gimnazjum, there is a section of culture questions. Please check them out!

Stąd można pobrać ostatnie arkusze testów do konkursu kuratoryjnego z j. angielskiego województwa pomorskiego.

Questions - school:

91.The United States is a presidential republic consisting of ___states and a federal district.
a)45 b)50 c)55 d)58
92.The official US anthem is “The Star- Spangled ___”
a)Flag b)Banner c)Cloth d)Ribbon