
środa, 22 września 2021

International Vocational Project

 Our school started an international project with schools from France, Romania, and Plock.

The title is "My job, my skills, my future". We've already started getting acquainted.

sobota, 18 września 2021

Animals in National Emblems

by Maja Zieńkowska 

Animals can be pets. But for many people, they are also symbols. They can stand for courage, bravery, or have an unexpected meaning.

What animals do the English-speaking countries use? How about Poland?

 kangaroo anemu  - Australia
The shield is held up by the native Australian animals the kangaroo and the emu, which were chosen to symbolise a nation moving forward, based on the fact that neither animal can move backwards easily.

środa, 8 września 2021

Introducing ourselves

by Daria 1BOS

I really love my family. I live with my three brothers , mother and stepfather. My oldest brother is twenty three years old and works as a waiter in a restaurant . My second brother is nineteen years old and he is still learning at School. My youngest brother is four years old and he is the one I have the best contact with.