
piątek, 18 grudnia 2020

Strange clothes - an elf

 by Marcin Staniak 

Christmas is almost here. We all know that Santa wears red and white clothes. But what does usually elves were? Let's take a look.

Christmas Cards or Email in English :)

 It is nice to send and receive Christmas Cards!

How to write a proper Christmas Card in English ? You  should remember that there are a few rules, just like when you write an email or  a letter.

środa, 16 grudnia 2020

Christmas in Spain

This presentation was sent to us by our friends from CEIP San Lázaro- Escuelas Blancas - elementary school in Spain.

They are 10 years old, and each student prepared another slide.

Let's see what kind of traditions they have :)

Presentation click here

Christmas songs from Spain:

Christmas in Portugal

 Have you ever wondered how Christmas traditions all over Europe are different than those from Poland? 

Check out a presentation preprared for us by Portuguese children from class 4A from Agrupamento de Escolas Infante D. Henrique during We need to Connect project.

Christmas in Poland

by  Class 4B

Class 4 B prepared a detailed presentation about Christmas in Poland. They tackled information as dates, food, tradition, family celebration, characters, and gifts.

It was a part of their project with Spain and Portugal called: We need to connect via TwinSpace.

This week before Christmas they are going to send each other Christmas Cards and compare they Christmas traditions.

poniedziałek, 14 grudnia 2020

Interesting topic - Japanese clothes


by Ola Myszkowska 4C

Japanese clothes

( Japonia )

Japanese clothes are very colorful and                have different patterns


      this outfit is called a kimono

niedziela, 13 grudnia 2020

Clothes - traditional clothing

First revse some clothes you already know.  Play a game of wheel of fortune and check how many clothes do you remember


Wheel of fortune

Now watch a film about some traditional clothes and answer these questions.

Clothes film Brainy      Traditional clothes

1.What is this?

poniedziałek, 7 grudnia 2020

France - trivia.

 by Łucka Korszańska 6E

In France there is a lot of sights. The main religion is Catholicism.

It is forty thousand castles, palaces, mansions and more relics. 

czwartek, 3 grudnia 2020

My passion - football

My passion is playing football. I like playing with my friends. One of my friends Piotrek plays with me in a club called Ace Ball Pruszcz Gdański.

by Bartosz Józefowicz