
środa, 30 września 2020

Calligram Competition

by Mrs Kamila Hazy

2020 Calligram Competition for students -  classes I-III at Jan Matejko School

The works of our students

piątek, 25 września 2020

European Day of Languages

September, 26th  is the European Day of Languages. Because of that our school participated in  an eTwinning project.

The students made postcards with phrases in Polish and English, and a video teaching how to pronounce  it.

On Friday 25th students watched all the results of partners from Lithuania, Sweden, Italy, Germany, Turkey, Poland, Slovenia, and the Netherlands.

wtorek, 22 września 2020

What to do instead of.... using your phone

 by Borys Kamiński 8c

5 activities that you can do in your spare time without mobile phone

We all know that using smartphone is not very healthy. Not only health but your social life suffers. Sometimes it's better to do something else and not be a prisoner of our addiction. Let's check what:

1)doing sports like:go cycling, read a book, do exercises,

środa, 16 września 2020

Our School

 Our school is a primary school. We have students from grade 1 to grade 8.

We have a swimming pool and a sport field. We also have a playground.

The patron of our school is Jan Matejko - a famous Polish painter.

We are located on a street of his name.

Our school is quite big it has 2 floors and some rooms undergorud. We have nice classrooms with interactive boards and full equipment.

We like our school!

środa, 2 września 2020

Culture corner

Here are some exercices that can help you to learn English as well as get some information about English speaking countries:

1. UK